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NPO in progress

Aircraft Engineering


Transforming traditional science education through project-based, hands-on experiences led by:

Drafting, Manufacturing, and Flying.

About AEC

AEC focuses on adhering to students’ education by providing an opportunity for them to learn, grow, and expand in suitable career choices. Students will construct a team at their institution. Similar to current engineering workforces, teams arrange subteams (business, engineering, etc) and execute a project that efficiently solves our program’s annual challenges. Our organization will develop a concise curriculum for students to correlate necessary information needed for them to be successful. Our team will also provide mentorship through our voluntary programs that help these students meet their needs. Our organization’s season will kick start Fall 2025.

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AeroEdu Logo


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Teams will arrange subteams (business, engineering, etc.) and execute a project that efficiently solves challenges via autonomous and semi-autonomous rounds. During the 2024-2025 season, teams will raise funds ($1-10k) to engineer an aircraft to compete in our competition’s challenges. AEC will release rulebooks at the start of each season annually. Information will be released in 2025, and competitions will start in 2026.

Aircraft competition